We understand that in case of Jaipur Jewellery Show is unable to provide a booth due to
any reason like shortage of space or otherwise, the advance paid will be refunded without
interest. We also note that booth/s once allotted as per our desire, if cancelled or reduced
in size by me/us, the intent amount paid will be forfeited and such allotted stall/stalls will
be treated as vacant.
We also understand that this is only an intent for participation and not a guarantee for
booth allotment.
In the case of expansion of the exhibition area for accommodating wait-listed applicants
as well as for other modifications, there could be a possibility of changes in the locations
of certain sections of exhibits. Organizers reserve the right to do the needful in this regard.
All the details given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. We agree to
the terms and conditions given below;
Preference in booth allotment on a lottery basis, are in the following order:
a. Previous year participants (Last date of intent submission will be 15th April, 2024)
b. Priority applicants (This means those wait-listed applicants who were not allotted
booth/s at JJS 2023, due to shortage of space or otherwise, but retained their intent
amount with their consent for consideration for JJS 2024)
c. New Applicants (Allotment will be done on a quarterly basis i.e. Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun etc.)
However, allotment of booths for applicants of Oct, Nov & Dec will be done on First Come
First Serve basis.
Note: priority will also be given on the basis of area requirement i.e. bigger the area will
get first priority within each category.
The JJS Committee may delegate the work of allotment as per the set rules to an outside
agency of its choice, but by doing this JJS is not relinquishing its rights to change its
decisions or authority over the said agency against any disputes that may rise. Despite all
negotiations or deliberations if there continues to be any dispute, Jaipur will be the
jurisdiction for any litigation/dispute.
The Submission of the application will be deemed as confirmation of participation and
acceptance of these terms of the contract by the exhibitor. The contract becomes effective
as soon as the organizers have confirmed the allotment of space to the applicant.